Fuzz pedals

Meet the Animalizzer Fuzz Pedal, the Nebulae Fuzz Pedal, and all the pedals you need to fuzz your sound up.

  • Nebulae

    The Nebulae is a Boost/Drive/Fuzz circuit inspired by the Sam Ash FuzzBoxx/Astrotone Fuzz. Get a warm, vintage-style sound that can add character and depth to your playing. For blues, rock, and indie music.

  • Animalizzer Fuzz Pedal

    Finally, a Fuzz pedal to rule them all! The Animalizzer Fuzz Pedal is made for stoners, shoegazers, grungers, psychorockers, guitar players and producers looking for that fuzzing sound, the Animalizzer fuzz pedal adds grit to signal and character to your music.

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